Jignesh Mevani, the newly elected MLA from Gujarat’s Vadgam, took to his official Twitter handle to allege threat to his life after a video on a WhatsApp group went viral.
Attaching the link of a Gujarati web portal, which first reported on the videos in the group, Mevani wrote, “Jignesh mevani’s encounter? Here is the link of Gujarati web portal which exposes a WhatsApp communication where two top cops are discussing how I could be killed in an encounter. Can you believe this?”
A video in the group identified in the media as ‘ADR Police & Media’ allegedly shows some people dressed as cops thrashing a man dressed as a politician. A message in the video by a senior police officer says that those who call themselves the “baap” of police will be treated in the same manner.
On February 18, Mevani alleged that he was pulled out of his car in a “very uncivilised manner”.
A statement on his official Twitter handle read: “Jignesh Mevani was pulled out of the car in a very uncivilised manner, his car keys were broken and detained by the police while on the way to a peaceful protest at Ambedkar statue in Sarangpur, Ahmedabad. The protest was organised to meet the demands of deceased Bhanuji family.”
He had also posted a video showing him being detained.
According to Indian Express, Mevani said that he will file a complaint with the DGP and other top officials of the state over the video in which “two top police people are indicating that I can be killed in an encounter”.
Mevani has said that he will campaign against BJP starting this April in Karnataka.